The Miracle of Spiritual Interactions

The Miracle of Spiritual Interactions

When do spirits or guardian angels visit us most, showing their support in many creative ways?  In my experience, they’re always there, easily accessible when asked but they may show physical manifestations of their presence when times are most difficult.  I find when my grief about my angel son (my deceased, oldest son) descends, blanketing me in a dark cloud, these are the days I am most likely to experience spiritual occurrences without effort.

What are the easiest ways for spiritual beings to interact with the physical world?  They can interact most easily with energy, animals, and emotions.  I’ll show you a few examples.  Years ago, shortly after the death of my son, I was driving in my car and the radio malfunctioned.  The volume knob when trying to turn the volume down, made it louder.  The radio was staticky and when I tried to change the station, I discovered that all the stations were staticky.  At first, I thought it had broken and I would have to pay for repairs.  At some point, it occurred to me that my son might be doing this to the radio.  When I acknowledged it, at first it didn’t change.  But when I said it out loud, so my children could hear, the radio began working normally.

Not long after he died, I was at a grief training to keep my license as a clinical social worker valid.  Ironic, I know.  On the lunch break, I felt sad, heavy, teary, and uncomfortable in crowds.  I went for a walk in the woods behind the college where the training was located.  And a butterfly began following me.  It circled my legs so close; I was afraid it would get trapped under my skirt.  It landed and I was able to get close enough to put my finger such that I was nearly touching it.  This happened repeatedly, every time I felt sad enough to start crying, the butterfly would reappear, dancing around me in flight, always very close.  I took videos and pictures.  I was entranced.  The butterfly’s behavior brought me joy and awe. It lifted my grief, just as my son intended.

On really bad days recently, I have asked for help from my son and from the energetic world, God/Goddess, whatever you want to call it.  Some days are still really hard, between my son’s death and my family member’s illness which requires daily caregiving, leaving no opportunity for vacations (only staycations), I have periods of intense grief.  On these hard days, I’ll ask the spirit world for help.  And lo and behold, the next day will be much easier.  You could call it coincidence but since my son’s death, I no longer believe in coincidences.  From my perspective, those coincidences are serendipitous events choreographed by the spirit world.

Recently, my son has been visiting me in my office.  I don’t mean that literally.  I can’t see him, however I wish I could.  But I see his actions in my halogen light.  It began to flicker, dim, brighten, and even turn completely off.  I wondered if it was him or a faulty switch.  So once when he turned it off at about 2:40 p.m., I asked him to show me it was him by turning it back on before 3 pm (when I got ready to leave).  The light turned back on at 2:46 p.m.  The other night, when I left for home, I purposefully left on a salt lamp when I turned off all the other lights.  When I came in the next morning, the salt lamp was off and the halogen light was on.  I attribute this to my son.

So, when you’re struggling with grief, ask your deceased loved one to show you they are with you in some definable way.  You can be specific, asking them to show you a butterfly or a bird behaving unusually, do something with electricity, or something that you will notice and recognize as them.  These interactions with your loved one may help you develop meaning in their death, meaning being the sixth stage of grief.

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#grief #miracles #spiritmagic #spiritualmagic

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