Spirit guides, loved ones who have passed on sometimes communicate in interesting ways. They do things to get our attention. They might mess with our electronics, interfere with the functioning of our computers, or create images or words in our minds. They can be very creative.
For some time my guides, my son beyond the veil, all have been saying to take more quiet time. Take it while I walk, meditate, anytime I have the chance away from work, kids, and other responsibilities. Sometimes I listened, sometimes I didn’t. You understand right? We’re human, physical, prone to listening to our egos…
How many of you have lost your cell phones recently? Oh, like 99%? Then where did you discover it? I’ve misplaced mind before too. I call it and find it deeper in my purse than I thought, in a pocket, under a magazine on the table, or somewhere like that. It isn’t far and the place I find it makes sense. I’ll say to myself: “oh yeah, silly me!”
So yesterday I set my cell phone on the edge of the kitchen counter, asking my husband to look at the cover when he got a chance. It was breaking and he is a master of fixing things. I was tired from canning jam all afternoon and lay down to read and rest. When I came back in the kitchen to guide my preadolescent son in cooking dinner, it was gone.
I asked my husband, “did you grab my phone?” He hadn’t. I asked the kids, as they will at times, and they swore they hadn’t. I wasn’t so sure, but we ate and then had a mass search party! I must have called than phone 10-12 times, no kidding! We searched every room in the house, the garage, out back, while I callied the cell. I recruit the kids cuz their ears will hear it buzzing if the sound has gotten turned off. I offered a reward! My daughter found an old phone that had disappeared and admitted she had moved it but no sign of mine.
I finally let it go and went to bed. But in the process I asked my son, “did you take it?” I get this image in my head of him with a sheepish grin on his face. “Come on,” I said, “give it back!” I get this message of, “Not now. Let it go!” “OK so when are you going to give it back?” I asked. “Tomorrow.” He told me in a firm tone.
We repeated the search in the morning with no luck. I went for my walk without it. It seemed to have disappeared. Later in the day we tried again. This time my husband found it. The part that confirmed for me that it was my son, or spirit guidance, was where he found it. It was on an auxiliary side table to my bed that I rarely use. The phone was underneath 3-4 books that I haven’t read in 2-3 months or more. I had moved them from my bedside table back then, whenever that was because I wasn’t reading them. I went back later to look again. Sure enough these were books I hadn’t looked at in at least weeks if not months. Also I don’t use the bedroom during the day unless I meditate and I had done that in the morning.