Raising Energetic Vibration

Raising energetic vibration is getting closer to The Loving Source Energy, spreading your raised vibrations to those around you.  One can achieve this in a variety of ways: addressing one’s emotions, finding joy, helping others, finding gratitude in your daily life, and meditation are methods for increasing energetic vibration.  It is also important to be aware of what we eat and drink, as that influences our spiritual vibration.

            In a recent blog, Spiritual Growth, I addressed how to cope with anxiety and fear, while we need to cope with grief and sadness.  Some believe being sad lowers your vibrational energy, but the information I receive from the spirit world says otherwise.  That was also addressed briefly in Spiritual Growth, but it warrants more attention.  Our culture discourages sadness and grief, making it inappropriate to cry in public, or express vulnerable emotions.  My son and spirit guide assures me that dealing with grief head on, crying, leads us back to joy.  It also helps those in the spirit world, having struggled with their vulnerable emotions in the physical world, to give an example of processing.

            Being happy and finding joy are important pieces of the puzzle of raising our energetic vibration, but it is important to be clear about this joy.  I think of joy as a genuine happiness, achieved in a healthy way and this is the joy that raises our vibration.  If we approach happiness in unhealthy ways, it won’t have the same effect.  For example, if we use drugs or alcohol, engage in risky behaviors, or commit crimes, they might bring excitement, but not genuine joy.  These methods actually lower energetic vibration.  Methods that bring joy and gratitude into our daily living will increase our energetic vibration and be passed on to those around us.  Some of those options were discussed in the blog, Spiritual Evolution.

            Helping others is another way to raise our spiritual vibration.   This could be your career, if you work in a caring field, but it can also be done in your spare time as volunteer work.  I’ve written several blogs on that and you can find them by searching homeless or homelessness in this blog page.

            Meditation and prayer are important ways to increase energetic vibration as both improve our mood, while helping us tune into our higher self.  There are many kinds of meditation, relaxation, and visualization practices, and any path you feel comfortable with will increase your vibration.

            Our food and drink intake can also make a difference.  Ingesting junk or fast food, prepared by underpaid workers with low quality ingredients, create lowered vibrations that can be passed on to us because everything is energy. Some think we need to be vegetarian or vegan to be healthy/raising our vibration, but some of us need meat, so that method won’t work for everyone.  The key is to eat whole food, grown sustainably and naturally.  If we need meat, the animal should be raised sustainably, ideally blessed and thanked for giving it’s life for our survival.  Drinking teas and juices with herbs and fruits grown holistically will also contribute to an increased energetic vibration.

            Tikun Olam is the Jewish tradition of giving back to the earth and helping others.  We’ve already talked about helping others, but we need to help the earth  – as the earth is a living entity, connected to our energetic vibration.  Our energy impacts the earth while the earth’s energy impacts us.  Reusing and recycling helps the earth sustain itself, and all life forms that depend on it.  When we grow things sustainably, use energy sparingly, and are kind to animals, we increase the vibrations and joy of our entire ecosphere.  There are multitudes of ways to raise our lifestyle to a higher vibration.  We would love to have you comment and share your methods and ideas here!

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