Suicide Risk

            Have you ever known someone who has committed suicide?  Have you ever wondered why someone could be so depressed they would want to die, to commit suicide?  Have you ever suffered the loss of someone you loved, someone who died before their time?  How has it affected you?

Depression can suck the life out of any who suffers from it, while severe versions of depression can kill, or cause the sufferer to commit suicide.  Sadly, those who leave the earth that way don’t realize how much they are loved, cherished, and missed.  It’s so sad to realize that if someone or something could have kept them alive for a few days, maybe they wouldn’t even want to die a few days later, but once they’re gone, it’s too late…

It is likely that every one of you has at least one person in your life who loves and cherishes you.  It may not always seem like it, but even when it doesn’t, it’s still likely to be true.  Since my son suicided three years ago, I have met many people whose child or sibling suicided, and in every case, the surviving family member is crushed, having loved their lost relation deeply.

There are a lot of people in the world who are suffering from grief, depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder, not to mention so many other ways to suffer.  It is possible that every single person on earth is suffering from something.  Each person, each sufferer, each living being, has a unique spark of goodness inside them, a spark of angelic perfection, which they brought with them to the physical plane at the time of their birth.  This spark is always with us and will never leave.  There is always a part of each of us which is perfect, just the way it is.

Some of us get hurt badly in childhood and feel unlovable, unable to trust, unable to connect with another human being.  Some get so hurt in childhood that they act out upon others, hurting other people the way they were hurt, or hurting others even worse.  Even the worst criminal alive started out on earth as an angelic baby, full of that goodness, that spark of perfection.

If you know someone who worries you, talking about suicide, hopelessness, or is giving lots of their things away, call for help!  Cahoots, Eugene, Oregon, is available to do a mental health assessment at someone’s home if they live in Eugene or Springfield, Oregon.  If we are worried about someone, we can call the police and ask for a ‘wellness check’.  Cahoots will go with police back up to the person’s home and do a mental health evaluation to assess for suicidality and a danger to self or others.  If they deem the person a danger, they will take them to the hospital for a second evaluation.  If you’re not in Eugene, Oregon, you can call the National Suicide Hotline at 1-800-273-8255 or your local police station for help.  It is possible that most places have some service that is similar to what we have in Eugene, Oregon. 

Blessings…  Thank you for visiting this blog!  Thank you for liking us, sharing us with your friends, commenting and sharing your thoughts and opinions or questions, and for following this blog!

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