I asked my son to tell me what heaven is like. I was bothered by all the varied descriptions I had read. In “Heaven is for real”, the very Christian boy describes golden gates, jesus in a thrown, white robes, etc. In “Proof of Heaven” Dr. Alexander talks of butterfly wings. Many NDE (Near Death Experience)survivors mention a golden light and feelings of complete love. So I asked my son to help me understand these divergant views of heaven. “Heaven can be anything you want it to be!” He told me. My son was an avid bike rider on earth. He likes speed. He had a number of car and bike accidents on earth and really butchered his shoulder in the process. “In heaven I can drive as fast as I want and never get hurt. I can manifest steep hills to ride down on my bike. I can manifest fast cars.” “I can even cook and eat but it isn’t quite the same as on earth. Sex and food are what I miss the most! Those are not quite the same here.” So what most see when they pass on are what they believe/feel heaven is to them. No one close to my son had passed on before him. No one he had met before yet when he passed on he was met by his guides, and my grandfather. People he had not met before yet when he arrived, he knew them from before he came or from another life or both.