Grief and Sadness: keys to ascension

            How do you feel about grieving, crying, letting out sadness and hurt feelings?  I wonder if you believe it’s a sign of weakness?  I wonder if you feel uncomfortable crying?  Do you subscribe to the belief system that grief will resolve itself and you won’t need to cry anymore?  Or do you believe that you only need to recognize that your dead loved one is still available in the spirit world and once you fully accept that you’ll be able to stop grieving? 

            It amazes me how many spiritually evolved people seem to believe that when we cry it lowers our vibrational level moving us in an unhealthy direction.  It astounds me how many mediums including Esther Hicks of Ask and It Is Given, claim that Arch Angels have told them that we only grieve when we focus on what we don’t have, ie our physical loved one.  They suggest that we only need to recognize and fully be aware that our loved one, though physically gone, is still with us spiritually.  There is some truth to that.  When we grieve, our focus may be on the physical loss, but the implication is that it isn’t beneficial to grieve, to cry, to feel the physical loss.

            I’m told differently and I want to share this message with you.  Many of you who have read my blog before or who know me personally, know that my eldest son died of heroin overdose three years ago.  Since then, my channeling skills have increased and I often talk to my son from the spirit world.  I’ve asked him about this message from other mediums and I get a different message.

            Perhaps it’s clear, but I’ll spell it out in case it’s not.  My son struggled with addiction for about four years before he died.  He’d had a hard life of neglect from his father and he struggled with difficult emotions.  He struggled to process them, to deal with them, and to express them.  I believe this is true for anyone who struggles with addiction.

            It is an interesting match, him choosing me to be his mother as I’ve always been able to deal with my feelings, to process my emotions, and to express them.  I had to learn to fit in to society’s unreasonable restriction.  I was always considered “over-sensitive”, when in actuality sensitivity is a spiritual gift.

            When my son passed on, we began talking.  He explained to me that he is now one of my spiritual guides.  He also is benefitting from my grief process.  He explained that as he helps me deal with my grief for my loss of his physical presence, I, in turn, help him learn how to process feelings in the physical world, which he will one day return to and try it again himself.

            He made it very clear that grieving and crying are beneficial emotions that do not lower our vibrational energies, but in actuality help both ourselves and our spirit guides ascend!!  Depression is another story entirely.  When we get depressed, we get stuck in an emotion that we are not processing effectively, and it is due to the lack of effective processing that it lowers our vibrational level. 

            The key to effective grief processing is not to stay there.  We can use children as our model.  They can get very upset, cry intensely, and in a few minutes to an hour, be completely done with the sadness and ready to play.  They naturally understand that sadness needs to be visited temporarily, then set aside for play.  If we can learn from their example, we will process our grief for a period, then leave it for activities that feel good.  We might leave the grief for a hot bath, candle light, meditation, an art project, snuggling, a conversation with a dear friend, some dancing, or any number of joyful activities.  It’s visiting grief, processing it, and leaving it for joyful activities, that make it an effective process and aids in ascension.

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