Spiritual Meanings: Finding Coins

Finding coins on the ground or in any other unusual place brings to mind the saying: “pennies from heaven”.  Spirits, guardian angels, guides, whatever you call them, they keep an eye on us, figuratively speaking.  They’re there with us all the time and when we open our hearts to them, we begin to notice how they communicate.  They let us know when we’re on the right path for our soul by leaving us little signs, which might be in the form of coins.

            In my last post, Spiritual Growth,  I discussed how our guides or our higher selves let us know when we’re not on the right path, through emotions we might not understand.

            When we are on the right path, they leave signs in the material world for us to find.  Your guides may drop pennies in your path, leave you feathers, or pretty/heart-shaped stones.  They direct you to see repeating numbers.  They leave you signs you find suddenly, only you will know the significance of them.  If they’re young spirits, they may play silly pranks on you.  They’re letting you know that they’re there, with you, watching over you, letting you know when you’re on the right path.  It may be something you are thinking or something you are doing that is “right” for your soul path.  They want you to know that you’re on the right path so they leave you a sign.

            The other day I was taking my daughter to buy food for a trip to the beach.  I took my canning jar full of herb tea, which I usually carry around for healthy liquid.  At the first stop light, it rolled onto the floor of the car.  I thought to myself, “uh oh, it may get in the way of my driving”.  So, I pulled over to look for it, but it was gone.  I felt under the seat, around the floor, but couldn’t find it.

            Yesterday when we were packing the car, I felt all around both sides of the floor of the front seat but the jar of tea seemed to have dematerialized.  I thought it was a pretty cute trick really and I actually laughed, which I believe is the goal.  Spirits like us laughing!  They like us happy.  One of my guides now, is my son, who died 31/2 years ago and he definitely likes me happy.

            What I didn’t think about at the time that the jar dematerialized, was that my son/my guide liked that I was planning to take my kids to the beach.  He was letting me know I was on the right track.

            I share this with you to encourage you to pay attention, keep your heart open, and your mind open to the meanings behind the little treats you may find in your path.  It could be coins, feathers, things disappearing or reappearing, or it could be an animal or insect behaving in an unusual way.  Native American belief says wild animals, Medicine Spirits, show themselves to you with purpose.  Likely there are things I am not even thinking about, but when they happen, they’ll pull you up short.  You’ll think, “that’s odd”.  You might discount it with, “that’s just a coincidence”.  But they’re not.  They’re serendipitous!  Serendipitous things are our guides, the spirits, communicating with us.  They’re saying, “Great job!  You’re on the right track!  You’re evolving!”  They’re validating you for something you’ve done right, letting you know you are not alone. 

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