Afterlife/spirit help ascension

Spirit messages and pranks with a purpose…  Guardian spirits trying to help us slow down, be in the moment, ascend, and evolve!!

I shared the other day about my funny experiences with my car music and how my son or other spirit guides were messing up the stereo.  I explained how the sound dial would turn the sound up when I wanted to turn it down, almost ever since my son past on nearly two years ago.  Then more recently how the buttons on the steering wheel started doing similar things, and finally how all the stations got messed up.

I got a response suggesting they wanted me to slow down.   I acknowledged that as well.

Then a funny thing happened!  All the dials and buttons associated with the stereo started working PERFECTLY!  This is the first time in almost two years and they continue to work just fine!

Recently, when I told a friendly psychic about it, she saw the same image I was seeing: My son laughing uproariously!!!  He thought this whole thing was hilarious!

So when strange things happen that don’t make sense, or the odds are against them, ask yourself: who do you love who has past on, and what might they be trying to tell you?  If that doesn’t work, sit quietly, meditate perhaps, look inward silently, and see if your inner self will answer the question.  Or perhaps if you get quiet enough, you will be able to hear your guides telling you!!

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